Community Connections
Linkages & Referrals
Let’s face it: poverty is complicated! Every household or individual has needs that are unique to their own situation. As such, it is impossible for one agency to meet every individual need that may be faced. It is for this reason that our staff work hard to create relationships and develop partnerships with other organizations and service providers in their communities. MCCAA can connect you to services in your community that can help change your life.
Partnership & Sponsorship Opportunities
Is your business or organization looking to give back to the community? Collaborating together we can make a difference and give back to the community in many ways. Volunteering as groups or individuals for special events and opportunities, sponsoring an event, or partnering with us to host a community eligibility event.
Individual Opportunities
Are you looking for a way to become a part of or give back to your community? Are you looking for a way to get involved? Do you have a youth group or team looking for volunteer hours? Consider joining our valued family of volunteers!